Beyond IFS

Let’s embody your next breakthrough together

Breakthrough sessions incorporate the use of embodied and experiential IFS (parts-work) to help healing professionals, creatives and out-of-the-box thinkers to quickly access inner wisdom and heal core wounds and the defense mechanisms that protect them. Different from the traditional psychotherapy model, Beyond (IFS) Breakthrough sessions are longer in length and time-limited, where you learn to befriend your constellation of inner parts and strengths through mind-body awareness and experiential meditation practices. 

Let’s help empower you to intuitively know your own system of parts so that you can break repetitive relationship patterns, addictive cycles, trauma responses and live an empowered  life of freedom, creativity, intimacy and spiritual connection. The work is deep and somatic (body-based), giving you a new way of experiencing your every day reactivity differently and in-real-time. By having an intensive, different, freeing experience in the body results in long-lasting, relational, nervous system changes that create big shifts.

Breakthrough sessions include 1x1 individual sessions, as a couple, or in a group which creates relational healing as most wounds happen in relation with others. Healing relationships become a catalyst for parts of us to get what they never had- to be fully seen, heard, healed and empowered by ourselves and others. This work allows you to follow your truth, connect with the divine and create the life of your dreams as you advocate for all parts of you.

Click here for the annual Beyond IFS Experiential IFS Training Certificate

Beyond IFS Recovery Intensive June 2025

(click here to apply)


protective parts of us that keep us stuck

patterns & wounds from ACOA parenting & past abuse


Learn a new, embodied relationship with your feelings to decrease overwhelm


Increase compassion for yourself and others

Deepen intimacy

Move into aligned relationships and

greater life purpose

With Adrienne Glasser LCSW and collaborations from

Kathleen Murphy LMFT, and

Mell McCracken CADC- II ASAT

Experiential IFS & Daily Parts Practice Training Program

Neurosomatic pathways: Integrating neuroscience, buddhist practices with experiential internal family systems.

October 2025

Pure Land Farms, Topanga California

Through this 4 day group breakthrough experience you will learn experiential IFS through the lens of embodying both neuroscience and spirituality through the lens of ancient buddhist practices. This experience is for therapists and helping professionals looking to integrate experiential IFS into their practice by embodying their own relationship to their system of parts and self- energy. This is a deep dive for those already familiar with IFS but are tired of screens and are seeking a way to integrate the model into their everyday lives, healing and to create the lives and practices of their dreams. 

What we heal in the IFS Recovery Intensive

We have often heard the things we learned to do as children to navigate and survive a dysfunctional family got us through, but now as adults get in our way. Perfectionism, hypervigilance, co-dependency, care-taking, self-abandonment, over-achieving, dissociating, numbing, addictive and compulsive behaviors, intense inner criticism, isolation, denial, reactivity and control are a list of common strategies. And the list goes on. We created these protective adaptive coping strategies to stave off pain and abuse in childhood. These strategies are what IFS calls protective parts and they keep us stuck in the patterns and wounds from the past, many rooted in ACOA parenting and past abuse. These ways of moving through the world and relating to ourselves and others keep us in survival mode -- leaves folded and flower not fully in bloom.

 We hear so often the medicine is compassion, to turn towards ourselves with curiosity and loving kindness. But how do we grow a practice of loving kindness towards self, to decrease feelings of overwhelm, to soften, and to heal from these old patterns and wounds? How do we move out of surviving into thriving -- to flourish and bloom? Cultivating an Experiential IFS practice will teach you. This practice will help you to heal the protective parts that keep you stuck. You will learn how to have an embodied relationship with your feelings. How to put your loving arms around yourself and relate to all parts of yourself with a loving soothing kindness. Experiential IFS will decrease feelings of overwhelm and increase compassion for yourself and others. It will deepen your capacity for intimacy with self and others, moving you into more aligned relationships, greater life purpose, pleasure, joy and flow.

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